Produtos de Limpeza | Equipamentos de Limpeza
- Make the site mobile device friendly.
- Avoid using deprecated HTML tags.
- Implement the viewport meta tag.
- Try to make your site load faster.
Domain : www.tecnoclean.com.br/loja/index.php
Character length : 36
Produtos de Limpeza | Equipamentos de Limpeza
Keywords (meta keywords)
Good! The website does not use “meta keywords”.
Open Graph Protocol
Error! The website does not use the OG (Open Graph) protocol.
Dublin Core
Dublin Core is not used
Underscores in the URLs
Good! No underscore (_) found in the URLs.
Search engine friendly URLs
Error! Not all URLs are SEO friendly on this website!
- http://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /information&information_id=4 ("Institucional")
- http://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /information&information_id=7 ("Serviços")
- http://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=66
- http://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&path=78&product_id=50
- http://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=70
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=129 ("INOVAÇÃO - LANÇAMENTOS (30)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=134 ("VERNIZES - TRATAMENTO EM PISOS DE MADEIRA (3)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=59 ("ASPIRADORES DE PÓ - Jardim Paulista (50)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=59_81 ("- Aspirador de pó para uso doméstico (4)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=59_86 ("- Aspirador profissional (7)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=59_80 ("- Aspirador de pó para hotéis e flats (3)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=59_84 ("- Aspirador de pó para lava rápido (2)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=59_87 ("- Aspirador Industrial (3)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=59_93 ("- Saco de aspirador de pó descartável (18)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=59_94 ("- Mangueiras, bocais e acessórios (14)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=60 ("BALDES COM ESPREMEDORES e MOPS ÁGUA (20)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=62 ("CARROS PARA HOTEL - Jardim Paulista (35)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=61 ("CARROS DE LIMPEZA (22)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=76 ("DETERGENTES, DESENGRAXANTES E DESINFETANTES (18)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=127 ("ENCERADEIRA ASPIRADORA DOMÉSTICA (1)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=64 ("ENCERADEIRAS INDUSTRIAIS - Jardim Paulista (29)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=64_97 ("- Acessórios (22)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=122 ("FILTRO DE ÁGUA - Jardim Paulista (5)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=65 ("FERRAMENTAS DE LIMPEZA - Jardins (39)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=65_109 ("- Escovas (2)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=65_112 ("- Rodos (8)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=65_116 ("- Vassouras (1)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=128 ("INSETICIDAS (6)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=66 ("LAVADORAS DE ALTA PRESSÃO - Jardim Paulista (14)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=66_118 ("- Uso com água quente (2)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=66_88 ("- Uso doméstico (1)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=66_89 ("- Uso semi-profissional (2)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=66_90 ("- Uso profissional leve (0)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=66_91 ("- Uso profissional (5)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=66_92 ("- Uso industrial (4)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=69 ("LAVADORAS E SECADORAS DE PISOS (11)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=67 ("LAVADORAS DE CARPETES E ESTOFADOS - Jardim Paulista (12)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=68 ("LIMPADORES À VAPOR (1)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=70 ("LIMPEZA DE VIDROS - Jardim Paulista (34)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=71 ("LIXEIRAS - Jardim Paulista (17)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=71_126 ("- LIXEIRAS COM PEDAL (8)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=71_125 ("- LIXEIRAS DE COLETA SELETIVA (6)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=71_124 ("- LIXEIRAS DE INOX (7)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=72 ("MOPS PARA LIMPEZA SECA ( PÓ ) (15)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=113 ("MOPS PARA LIMPEZA ÚMIDA (26)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=115 ("ORGANIZAÇÃO (11)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=119 ("PERFUMADORES E FACILITADORES DE PASSAR ROUPAS (6)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=105 ("Produtos para INOX E AÇO (3)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=73 ("Produtos para MÁRMORE E GRANITO - Jardim Paulista (17)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=74 ("Produtos para MADEIRA - PISOS RESINADOS - Bona, Sinteco e Skania - Jardim Paulista (22)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=120 ("PRODUTOS PARA PISCINAS - Jardim Paulista (22)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=120_121 ("- Acessórios (8)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=75 ("Produtos para PORCELANATO - Jardim Paulista (16)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=75_130 ("- LIMPADOR para PORCELANATO (6)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=75_133 ("- POLIDOR para Porcelanato (1)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=75_132 ("- PROTETOR para Porcelanato (1)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=75_131 ("- Tira Manchas de Porcelanato (2)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=83 ("Produtos para PISOS CIMENTÍCIOS (7)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=79 ("Produtos para TRATAMENTO DE PISOS (7)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=78 ("VARREDEIRAS DE PISO (6)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=99 ("TAPETES PROFISSIONAIS - Jardim Paulista (19)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=99_101 ("- Tráfego leve (1)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=99_102 ("- Tráfego médio (0)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=99_100 ("- Tapetes personalizados (1)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=99_103 ("- Tráfego alto (7)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /category&path=99_104 ("- Industriais (4)")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=106
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=106 ("Aspirador de Pó e Líquidos com Filtro de Água Lava Wet")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=50
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=50 ("Varredeira Profissional T-500DT - Mecânica")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=148
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=148 ("Enceradeira Industrial 350MM")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=79
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=79 ("Bona Cleaner - 1 litro")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=53
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=53 ("Limpador com cera Lava Lucida - 1 litro")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=60
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=60 ("Impermeabilizante Idea HP - 1 litro")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=56
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=56 ("Cera RR-1 Líquida - 1 litro")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=371
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=371 ("Brilha Inox 3M - 500 ml")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=51
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=51 ("Bona Spray Mop")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=194
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=194 ("Balde Espremedor Útil Fácil Mop Spin 2 Águas")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=215
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=215 ("Balde Duplo Espremedor Doblô")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=505
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=505 ("Carro Funcional América Completo")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=442
- http://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /contact&produto=Tapete Industrial Soft-... ("Consulte nossos preços")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=442 ("Tapete Industrial Soft-Mat - 90x150 cm")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=170
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=170 ("Combinado para Limpeza de Vidros - 35 cm")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=171
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=171 ("Extensão Telescópica 3,00 m")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=226
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=226 ("Mop Pó Completo - 60 cm")
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=240
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&product_id=240 ("Coletora de resíduos e liquidos - B-Fly")
- http://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&manufacturer_id=14
- http://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /product&manufacturer_id=13
- https://www.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /information&information_id=8 ("Política de Troca / Desistência / Defeito")
- Expand
Checking the robots.txt file
There is robots.txt file.
User-agent | Disallowed for the search engines |
* |
Social Engagement
No info found.
XHTML 1.0 Strict
Error! The character encoding setting is missing!
We have found the language localisation: ”pt”.
Character length : 10
Good! The title’s length is between 10 and 70 characters.
Character length : 10
Good! The title’s length is between 10 and 70 characters.
Text / HTML ratio
Ratio : 11%
Error! The text / HTML code ratio is under 15 percent on this website. This value shows that the website has relatively few text content.
Error! The text / HTML code ratio is under 15 percent on this website. This value shows that the website has relatively few text content.
H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Heading structure in the source code
- <H4> Meu Carrinho
- <H1> Tecnoclean
Word cloud
- carrinho18
- incluir16
- jardim14
- paulista14
- juros8
- bancária8
- transferência8
- produtos7
- uso7
- aspirador7
- limpeza6
- porcelanato5
- pisos5
- industrial4
- água4
- litro4
- lixeiras4
- profissional4
- lava3
- mop3
- inox3
- acessórios3
- lavadoras3
- bona3
- mops3
- tráfego3
- carros2
- filtro2
- espremedor2
- balde2
- industriais2
- enceradeira2
- completo2
- cera2
- leve2
- vidros2
- doméstico2
- tecnoclean2
- tapetes2
- limpador2
- tratamento2
- conta2
- madeira2
Keyword matrix
word | title | descriptions | heading |
carrinho | |||
incluir | |||
jardim | |||
paulista | |||
juros | |||
bancária |
Two Word cloud
- incluir no carrinho8
Three Word cloud
- incluir no carrinho balde2
404 Page
The website has no standard 404 error page.
Flash content
Good! The website does not have any flash contents.
Good! The website does not use iFrame solutions.
We found 19 images on this web page.
Alternate attributes for the following 6 images are missing. Search engines use "alt" tags to understand image content efficiently. We strongly recommend fixing this issue.
Alternate attributes for the following 6 images are missing. Search engines use "alt" tags to understand image content efficiently. We strongly recommend fixing this issue.
Mobile optimization
Error! This website is not optimized for mobile devices... It is optimized for devices which have at least 981px wide display!
Deprecated HTML elements
Good! No deprecated HTML tags are detected.
Redirection (www / not www)
Good! The web address is accessible only in one version. The version without www is redirected to the version with www.
Deprecated HTML elements
Good! No deprecated HTML tags are detected.
Suggestion! Unfortunately, no printer-friendly CSS found.
Meta Tag (viewport tag, mobile devices)
Error! The meta tag named viewport is missing.
Server response time
The server response time is fast enough.
Loading time
5,601 ms
Table layout
Good! No nested tables found.
Number of HTTP resources
Number of source domains
Render blocking resources
The elements below are blocking the “above the fold” rendering.
List of render blocking javascript files
List of render blocking javascript files
- https://cdn.xtechcommerce.com/assets/js/lang/pt.js
Good! Just a few javascript files are detected on the website.
File size of all javascript files combined
Javascript minifying
You can save 431B (38% compression) on the analysed URL by minifying the javascript files.
Good! Just a few CSS files are used on this website.
File size of all css files combined
CSS minifying
You can save 750B (21% compression) on the analysed URL by minifying the CSS files.
- By minifying https://cdn.xtechcommerce.com/.. /flexslider.css you can save 424B (32% compression rate)
- By minifying https://cdn.xtechcommerce.com/.. /overrides.css you can save 326B (15% compression rate)
Uncompressed size of the of the HTML
Gzip compression
Your site uses compression.
Number of static resources (image, JS, CSS)
Browser cache
The browser cache is not set correctly for all elements.
URL | Duration |
https://ssl.comodo.com/images/comodo_secure_seal_113x59_transp.png | 30 minutes |
https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js | 2 hours |
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https://cdn.xtechcommerce.com/.. /jquery.mask.min.js | 4 hours |
https://cdn.xtechcommerce.com/.. /application.css | 4 hours |
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https://cdn.xtechcommerce.com/.. /flexslider.css | 4 hours |
https://cdn.xtechcommerce.com/.. /font-awesome.min.css | 4 hours |
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https://cdn.xtechcommerce.com/.. /application.js | 4 hours |
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https://cdn.xtechcommerce.com/loja/twig/mobile_new/assets/js/cpf.js | 4 hours |
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https://cdn.xtechcommerce.com/.. /jquery.min.js | 4 hours |
https://loja.tecnoclean.com.br/.. /email-decode.min.js | 2 days |
File size of all images combined
Image optimisation
You can save 381KB (57% compression) by optimising the images below:
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /6f16697002a9969f371e5f5c234c397d.jpg you can save 328.5KB (84%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /5c19beab9fd031b1538380d87659d322.jpg you can save 15.1KB (19%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /bbca825d193c15259c5566f2e186283b.jpg you can save 10.8KB (22%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /02a3b553573ec4c72f16a80cfbdfc868.jpg you can save 6.4KB (20%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /584c015ee1a9bc6b24a12c9ff4aa08b0.jpg you can save 6KB (15%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://ssl.comodo.com/images/comodo_secure_seal_113x59_transp.png you can save 3.5KB (40%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /d3b99693e377b6e59e98539651911abf.png you can save 3KB (20%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /d6b7f52f8931b839e454d3b0fe556d74.jpg you can save 1.9KB (33%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /c8891f405d730bc58f77c50fcc0f0ad5.jpg you can save 1.1KB (22%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /28217cbaad2acd1a7597cf0d02c74e22.jpg you can save 1KB (18%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /203be43586100982dabb73e084405abf.jpg you can save 1KB (16%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /google-safe-browsing2.png you can save 1KB (13%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /09c027d83d1e127af45a2710a168ed83.jpg you can save 976B (14%) data.
- By lossless compressing the https://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /caixa.png?v=1523038783 you can save 250B (15%) data.
- By lossless compressing the http://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /bb.png?v=1513013750 you can save 239B (12%) data.
- By lossless compressing the http://assets.xtechcommerce.com/.. /bradesco.png?v=1513013750 you can save 168B (12%) data.
We found a total of 118 different links.
Internal links: 113
External links: 5
Internal links: 113
External links: 5
External links:
Internal links:
External hidden links
Good! No hidden external links found
Looking for eval()
Good! No eval(bas64_decode()) scripts are found
Checking for XSS vulnerability
No XSS vulnerability found
Email encryption
Good! We have not found any unencrypted email addresses.
Good! The website uses favicon.
- H1 : Tecnoclean, ( 0px from top )
- H4 : Meu Carrinho, ( 46px from top )
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